Welp, I thought it would be Spring in Ohio, apparently I was wrong! Mother Nature delivered a cold blow these last few days, with 8 inches of snow one day, and 32 degree temps, the next day. Yikes! All of my blooming trees, bushes, have been bite by Mother Nature. However on that note I want to share my two projects for the Gecko Galz blog!!
First up is my Blooming Beauty project made with Barouqe Garden ATC Collection and Pixie Play Jewel It Collage Set

Using the circle ATCs, I punched them out and matted them on heavier card stock for strength, I punched out the pixies I chose to use and pop dotted them on top of the circle ATCs creating a flower if you will. Using a leave die cut, I added leaves here and there behind the pixie and behind the ATC for added dimension. I happen to have a beery like die cut on a stem and added a few of those here and there to the flower for added interest. I then hot glued my flowers on paper straws, of course you can use what you have on hand. My vase is a collection of 3 toilet paper rolls, that I always have on hand, as they make great items in creating process, as you can see! I painted them, inked them, and sprayed them with glitter spray, after they were dry I hot glued them together for a one of kind of vase, and save the world from 3 lonely paper rolls! I had a die cut label with room for a ribbon, adding that to the front of my vase. I then hot glued my flower stems here and there inside the rolls, and finished off with some paper shreds. Thoughts on my project???

My second project for the Month celebrating Blooming Beauties ! is a flip book or also called a waterfall card/book. I made good use of Gecko Galz Floral Dreams Collage Set, perfect for my Blooming Beauties flip book!
Following instruction for a Waterfall card, I cut all pieces, inked the edges, trimmed all my Beauties I chose to use and ink all edges. I then choose my background papers trimmed them to sized and ink all edges. Next came assembly, and finally I dressed up the cover of my flip book!
Be sure to embellish each page of your book with cogs, labels, flowers, book plates and such for a beautiful Blooming Beauties project !
Thanks for visiting and be sure to stop by again!